
Die Suche ergab 1 Treffer (1,50 Sek.).
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Applegate, Katherine
The one and only Ruby
London : HarperCollins Children's Books , 2023 - 217, 10 Seiten : Ill. : 10,50 EUR ISBN 978-0-00-847074-6

Ruby is a young elephant who loves spending time with her best friends, Ivan the silverback gorilla and Bob the mutt. But she also misses the elephants of her past - the family she was born into on...
FS 10  App

Fremdsprachige Literatur /KJ

Exemplare (4)
Mediennr Zweigstelle Standort Zugang Status Aktion
16046227 Jugendbücherei FS 10 App 16.11.2023 verfügbar
16046138 Niederzwehren FS 10 App 16.11.2023 verfügbar
16046120 Oberzwehren FS 10 App 16.11.2023 verfügbar
16046177 Waldau FS 10 App 16.11.2023 verfügbar

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